``baseplate.lib.events`` ======================== .. automodule:: baseplate.lib.events Building Events --------------- Thrift Schema v2 Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For modern Thrift-based events: import the event schemas into your project, instantiate and fill out an event object, and pass it into the queue:: import time import uuid from baseplate import Baseplate from baseplate.lib.events import EventQueue from baseplate.lib.events import serialize_v2_event from event_schemas.event.ttypes import Event def my_handler(request): event = Event( source="baseplate", action="test", noun="baseplate", client_timestamp=time.time() * 1000, uuid=str(uuid.uuid4()), ) request.events_v2.put(ev2) def make_wsgi_app(app_config): ... baseplate = Baseplate(app_config) baseplate.configure_context( { ... "events_v2": EventQueue("v2", serialize_v2_events), ... } ) ... Queuing Events -------------- .. autoclass:: EventQueue :members: put The ``EventQueue`` also implements :py:class:`~baseplate.clients.ContextFactory` so it can be used with :py:meth:`~baseplate.Baseplate.add_to_context`:: event_queue = EventQueue("production", serialize_v2_event) baseplate.add_to_context("events_production", event_queue) It can then be used from the :py:class:`~baseplate.RequestContext` during requests:: def some_service_method(self, context): event = Event(...) context.events_production.put(event) Serializers ~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``event_serializer`` parameter to :py:class:`EventQueue` is a callable which serializes a given event object. Baseplate comes with a serializer for the Thrift schema based V2 event system: .. autofunction:: serialize_v2_event Exceptions ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoexception:: EventError .. autoexception:: EventTooLargeError .. autoexception:: EventQueueFullError Publishing Events ----------------- Events that are put onto an :py:class:`EventQueue` are consumed by a separate process and published to the remote event collector service. The publisher is in baseplate and can be run as follows: .. code-block:: console $ python -m baseplate.sidecars.event_publisher --queue-name something config_file.ini The publisher will look at the specified INI file to find its configuration. Given a queue name of ``something`` (as in the example above), it will expect a section in the INI file called ``[event-publisher:something]`` with content like below: .. code-block:: ini [event-publisher:something] collector.hostname = some-domain.example.com key.name = NameOfASecretKey key.secret = Base64-encoded-blob-of-randomness metrics.namespace = a.name.to.put.metrics.under metrics.endpoint = the-statsd-host:1234