

class baseplate.experiments.providers.feature_flag.FeatureFlag(id, name, owner, variants, seed=None, bucket_val=u'user_id', targeting=None, overrides=None, newer_than=None, version=None)

An experiment with a single variant “active”.

Deprecated since version 0.27: Use SimpleExperiment with RolloutVariantSet instead.

Does not log bucketing events to the event pipeline. Use this type of experiment if you just want to control access to a feature but do not want to run an actual experiment. Some examples for when you would want to use a FeatureFlag are:

  1. Slowly rolling out a new feature to a % of users
  2. Restricting a new feature to certain subreddits

The config dict is expected to have the following values:

  • variants: dict mapping variant names to their sizes. Variant sizes are expressed as numeric percentages rather than a fraction of 1 (that is, 1.5 means 1.5%, not 150%). For a feature flag, you can only specify a single variant named “active”.
  • targeting: (Optional) dict that maps the names of targeting parameters to lists of valid values. When determining the variant of an experiment, the targeting parameters you want to use are passed in as keyword arguments to the call to experiment.variant.
  • overrides: (Optional) dict that maps override parameters to dictionaries mapping values to the variant name you want to override the variant to. When determining the variant of an experiment, the override parameters you want to use are passed in as keyword arguments to the call to experiment.variant.
  • bucket_val: (Optional) Name of the parameter you want to use for bucketing. This value must be passed to the call to experiment.variant as a keyword argument. Defaults to “user_id”.
  • seed: (Optional) Overrides the seed for this experiment. If this is not set, name is used as the seed.
  • newer_than: (Optional) The earliest time that a bucketing resource can have been created by in UTC epoch seconds. If set, you must pass the time, in UTC epoch seconds, when the resource that you are bucketing was created to the call to experiment.variant as the “created” parameter. For example, if you are bucketing based on user_id, created would be set to the time when a User account was created or when an LoID cookie was generated.