``baseplate.config`` ==================== .. automodule:: baseplate.config Parser ------ .. autofunction:: parse_config Value Types ----------- Each option can have a type specified. Some types compose with other types to make complicated expressions. .. autofunction:: String .. autofunction:: Float .. autofunction:: Integer .. autofunction:: Boolean .. autofunction:: Endpoint .. autofunction:: Timespan .. autofunction:: Base64 .. autofunction:: File .. autofunction:: Percent .. autofunction:: UnixUser .. autofunction:: UnixGroup .. autofunction:: OneOf .. autofunction:: TupleOf If you need something custom or fancy for your application, just use a callable which takes a string and returns the parsed value or raises :py:exc:`ValueError`. Combining Types --------------- These options are used in combination with other types to form more complex configurations. .. autofunction:: Optional .. autofunction:: Fallback .. autofunction:: DictOf Data Types ---------- .. autoclass:: EndpointConfiguration Exceptions ---------- .. autoexception:: ConfigurationError