``baseplate.diagnostics`` ========================= .. automodule:: baseplate.diagnostics Observers --------- Observers watch Baseplate for events that happen during requests, such as requests starting and ending and service calls being made. Observers can also add attributes to the :term:`context object` for your application to use during the request. Under the hood, the context factories (:py:mod:`baseplate.context`) are implemented as observers. All of the following observers can be configured with :ref:`convenience_methods` on your application's :py:class:`~baseplate.core.Baseplate` object. .. autoclass:: baseplate.diagnostics.logging.LoggingBaseplateObserver .. autoclass:: baseplate.diagnostics.metrics.MetricsBaseplateObserver .. autoclass:: baseplate.diagnostics.sentry.SentryBaseplateObserver .. autoclass:: baseplate.diagnostics.tracing.TraceBaseplateObserver