``baseplate-serve`` =================== Baseplate comes with a simple Gevent-based server for both Thrift and WSGI applications called ``baseplate-serve``. Configuration ------------- There is one required parameter on the command line, the path to an INI-format configuration file. There should be two sections in the file: the ``server`` section and the ``app`` section. The section headers look like ``server:main`` or ``app:main`` where the part before the ``:`` is the type of section and the part after is the "name". Baseplate looks for sections named ``main`` by default but can be overridden with the ``--server-name`` and ``--app-name`` options. .. highlight:: ini The Server ---------- Here's an example of a ``server`` section:: [server:main] factory = baseplate.server.thrift stop_timeout = 30 The ``factory`` tells baseplate what code to use to run the server. Baseplate comes with two servers built in: ``baseplate.server.thrift`` A Gevent Thrift server. ``baseplate.server.wsgi`` A Gevent WSGI server. Both take two optional configuration values as well: ``max_concurrency`` The maximum number of simultaneous clients the server will handle. Unlimited by default. ``stop_timeout`` How long, in seconds, to wait for active connections to finish up gracefully when shutting down. By default, the server will shut down immediately. The WSGI server takes an additional optional parameter: ``handler`` A full name of a class which subclasses ``gevent.pywsgi.WSGIHandler`` for extra functionality. There are some additional configurables in this section that start with a ``monitoring`` prefix. For more information on those, see `Process-level metrics`_. The Application --------------- And now the real bread and butter, your ``app`` section:: [app:main] factory = my_app.processor:make_processor foo = 3 bar = 22 noodles.blah = one, two, three The ``app`` section also takes a ``factory``. This should be the name of a callable in your code which builds and returns your application. The part before the ``:`` is a Python module. The part after the ``:`` is the name of a callable object within that module. The rest of the options in the ``app`` section of the configuration file get passed as a dictionary to your application callable. You can parse these options with :py:mod:`baseplate.config`. The application factory should return an appropriate object for your server: Thrift A ``TProcessor``. WSGI A WSGI callable. Logging ------- The baseplate server provides a default configuration for the Python standard ``logging`` system. The root logger will print to ``stdout`` with a format that includes trace information. The default log level is ``INFO`` or ``DEBUG`` if the ``--debug`` flag is passed to ``baseplate-serve``. If more complex logging configuration is necessary, the configuration file will override the default setup. The `configuration format`_ is documented in the standard library. .. _configuration format: https://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.config.html#logging-config-fileformat Automatic reload on source changes ---------------------------------- In development, it's useful for the server to restart itself when you change code. You can do this by passing the ``--reload`` flag to ``baseplate-serve``. This should not be used in production environments. Einhorn ------- ``baseplate-serve`` can run as a worker in `Stripe's Einhorn socket manager`_. This allows Einhorn to handle binding the socket, worker management, rolling restarts, and worker health checks. Baseplate supports Einhorn's "manual ACK" protocol. Once the application is loaded and ready to serve, Baseplate notifies the Einhorn master process via its command socket. An example command line:: einhorn -m manual -n 4 --bind localhost:9190 \ baseplate-serve myapp.ini .. _Stripe's Einhorn socket manager: https://github.com/stripe/einhorn Debug Signal ------------ Applications running under ``baseplate-serve`` will respond to ``SIGUSR1`` by printing a stack trace to the logger. This can be useful for debugging deadlocks and other issues. Note that Einhorn will exit if you send it a ``SIGUSR1``. You can instead open up ``einhornsh`` and instruct the master to send the signal to all workers:: $ einhornsh > signal SIGUSR1 Successfully sent USR1s to 4 processes: [...] Process-level metrics --------------------- If your application has registered a metrics client with :py:meth:`~baseplate.core.Baseplate.configure_metrics`, ``baseplate-serve`` will automatically send process-level metrics every 10 seconds. Which metrics are sent depends on your server configuration, for example:: [server:main] factory = baseplate.server.thrift monitoring.blocked_hub = 100 milliseconds monitoring.concurrency = true will enable the ``blocked_hub`` reporter (configuring it to trigger at a 100ms threshold) and the ``concurrency`` reporter (which has no special configuration). The following reporters are available: ``monitoring.blocked_hub`` Enabled if a valid :py:func:`~baseplate.config.Timespan` is set, defaults to disabled. This will turn on `Gevent's monitoring thread`_ and report events indicating that Gevent detects the main event loop was blocked by a greenlet for longer than the given timespan. This can indicate excessive CPU usage causing event loop starvation or the use of non-patched blocking IO calls. More detailed information, including stack traces, is also printed to the logging system. Each instance of the hub being blocked will be reported as a :py:class:`~baseplate.metrics.Timer` measuring the duration of the blockage. Note: the performance impact of this reporter is not currently understood. Watch your metrics closely if you turn this on. ``monitoring.concurrency`` Enabled if ``true``, disabled if ``false``. Defaults to enabled. This will track the number of in-flight requests being processed concurrently by this server process. At each report interval, this will update a :py:class:`~baseplate.metrics.Gauge` with the current number of in-flight requests being processed concurrently. ``monitoring.gc.stats`` Enabled if ``true``, disabled if ``false``. Defaults to enabled. This will report the Python garbage collector's statistics to the metrics system. At each report interval, this will update gauges with the current values returned by :py:func:`gc.get_stats()`. Note: this only works on Python 3.4 and newer. ``monitoring.gc.timing`` Enabled if ``true``, disabled if ``false``. Defaults to disabled. This will track the duration of time taken by Python's garbage collector doing a collection sweep. The duration of each pass of the garbage collector will be reported as a timer. Note: the performance impact of this reporter is not currently understood. Watch your metrics closely if you turn this on. All metrics generated by ``baseplate-serve`` are prefixed with your application's configured namespace, followed by ``runtime.{hostname}.PID{process_id}``. .. _Gevent's monitoring thread: http://www.gevent.org/monitoring.html#the-monitor-thread