Source code for baseplate.lib.retry

"""Policies for retrying an operation safely."""
import time

from typing import Iterator
from typing import Optional

[docs]class RetryPolicy: """A policy for retrying operations. Policies are meant to be used as an iterable:: for time_remaining in try: break except SomeError: pass else: raise MaxRetriesError """
[docs] def yield_attempts(self) -> Iterator[Optional[float]]: """Return an iterator which controls attempts. On each iteration, the iterator will yield the number of seconds left to retry, this should be used to set the timeout on the operation being carried out. If there is no maximum time remaining, :py:data:`None` is yielded instead. The iterable will raise :py:exc:`StopIteration` once the operation should not be retried any further. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Optional[float]]: """Return the result of :py:meth:`yield_attempts`. This allows policies to be directly iterated over. """ return self.yield_attempts()
[docs] @staticmethod def new( attempts: Optional[int] = None, budget: Optional[float] = None, backoff: Optional[float] = None, ) -> "RetryPolicy": """Create a new retry policy with the given constraints. :param attempts: The maximum number of times the operation can be attempted. :param budget: The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that the local service will wait for the operation to succeed. :param backoff: The base amount of time, in seconds, for exponential back-off between attempts. ``N`` in (``N * 2**attempts``). """ policy: RetryPolicy = IndefiniteRetryPolicy() if attempts is not None: policy = MaximumAttemptsRetryPolicy(policy, attempts) if budget is not None: policy = TimeBudgetRetryPolicy(policy, budget) if backoff is not None: policy = ExponentialBackoffRetryPolicy(policy, backoff) return policy
class IndefiniteRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy): # pragma: noqa """Retry immediately forever.""" def yield_attempts(self) -> Iterator[Optional[float]]: while True: yield None class MaximumAttemptsRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy): """Constrain the total number of attempts.""" def __init__(self, policy: RetryPolicy, attempts: int): self.subpolicy = policy self.attempts = attempts def yield_attempts(self) -> Iterator[Optional[float]]: for i, remaining in enumerate(self.subpolicy): if i == self.attempts: break yield remaining class TimeBudgetRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy): """Constrain attempts to an overall time budget.""" def __init__(self, policy: RetryPolicy, budget: float): assert budget >= 0, "The time budget must not be negative." self.subpolicy = policy self.budget = budget def yield_attempts(self) -> Iterator[Optional[float]]: start_time = time.time() yield self.budget for _ in self.subpolicy: elapsed = time.time() - start_time time_remaining = self.budget - elapsed if time_remaining <= 0: break yield time_remaining class ExponentialBackoffRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy): """Sleep exponentially longer between attempts.""" def __init__(self, policy: RetryPolicy, base: float): self.subpolicy = policy self.base = base def yield_attempts(self) -> Iterator[Optional[float]]: for attempt, time_remaining in enumerate(self.subpolicy): if attempt > 0: delay = self.base * 2.0 ** (attempt - 1.0) if time_remaining: delay = min(delay, time_remaining) time_remaining -= delay time.sleep(delay) yield time_remaining