``baseplate.frameworks.queue_consumer.kombu`` ============================================= :doc:`Kombu ` is a library for interacting with queue brokers. This module provides a :py:class:`~baseplate.server.queue_consumer.QueueConsumerFactory` that allows you to run a :py:class:`~baseplate.server.queue_consumer.QueueConsumerServer` that integrates Baseplate's facilities with Kombu. An abbreviated example of it in use:: import kombu from baseplate import RequestContext from typing import Any def process_links( context: RequestContext, body: Any, message: kombu.Message, ): print(f"processing {body}") def make_consumer_factory(app_config): baseplate = Baseplate() exchange = Exchange("reddit_exchange", "direct") connection = Connection( hostname="amqp://guest:guest@reddit.local:5672", virtual_host="/", ) queue_name = "process_links_q" routing_keys = ["link_created"] return KombuQueueConsumerFactory.new( baseplate=baseplate, exchange=exchange, connection=connection, queue_name=queue_name, routing_keys=routing_keys, handler_fn=process_links, ) This will create a queue named ``'process_links_q'`` and bind the routing key ``'link_created'``. It will then register a consumer for ``'process_links_q'`` to read messages and feed them to ``process_links``. .. automodule:: baseplate.frameworks.queue_consumer.kombu Factory ------- .. autoclass:: KombuQueueConsumerFactory .. automethod:: new .. automethod:: __init__ Errors ------ .. autoclass:: FatalMessageHandlerError