Source code for baseplate.frameworks.queue_consumer.kombu

import logging
import queue
import socket

from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import kombu

from gevent.server import StreamServer
from kombu.mixins import ConsumerMixin
from kombu.transport.virtual import Channel

from baseplate import Baseplate
from baseplate import RequestContext
from baseplate.clients.kombu import KombuSerializer
from baseplate.server.queue_consumer import HealthcheckCallback
from baseplate.server.queue_consumer import make_simple_healthchecker
from baseplate.server.queue_consumer import MessageHandler
from baseplate.server.queue_consumer import PumpWorker
from baseplate.server.queue_consumer import QueueConsumerFactory

    WorkQueue = queue.Queue[kombu.Message]  # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
    WorkQueue = queue.Queue

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Handler = Callable[[RequestContext, Any, kombu.Message], None]

[docs]class FatalMessageHandlerError(Exception): """An error that signals that the queue process should exit. Raising an Exception that is a subclass of FatalMessageHandlerError will cause the KombuMessageHandler to re-raise the exception rather than swallowing it which will cause the handler thread/process to stop. This, in turn, will gracefully shut down the QueueConsumerServer currently running. Exceptions of this nature should be reserved for errors that are due to problems with the environment rather than the message itself. For example, a node that cannot get its AWS credentials. """
class KombuConsumerWorker(ConsumerMixin, PumpWorker): """Consumes messages from the given queues and pumps them into the internal work_queue. This class does not directly implement the abstract `run` command from PumpWorker because the ConsumerMixin class already defines it. """ def __init__( self, connection: kombu.Connection, queues: Sequence[kombu.Queue], work_queue: WorkQueue, serializer: Optional[KombuSerializer] = None, ): self.connection = connection self.queues = queues self.work_queue = work_queue self.serializer = serializer def get_consumers(self, Consumer: kombu.Consumer, channel: Channel) -> Sequence[kombu.Consumer]: args = dict(queues=self.queues, on_message=self.work_queue.put) if self.serializer: args["accept"] = [] return [Consumer(**args)] def stop(self) -> None: logger.debug("Closing KombuConsumerWorker.") # `should_stop` is an attribute of `ConsumerMixin` self.should_stop = True class KombuMessageHandler(MessageHandler): def __init__(self, baseplate: Baseplate, name: str, handler_fn: Handler): self.baseplate = baseplate = name self.handler_fn = handler_fn def handle(self, message: kombu.Message) -> None: context = self.baseplate.make_context_object() try: # We place the call to ``baseplate.make_server_span`` inside the # try/except block because we still want Baseplate to see and # handle the error (publish it to error reporting) with self.baseplate.make_server_span(context, as span: delivery_info = message.delivery_info span.set_tag("kind", "consumer") span.set_tag("amqp.routing_key", delivery_info.get("routing_key", "")) span.set_tag("amqp.consumer_tag", delivery_info.get("consumer_tag", "")) span.set_tag("amqp.delivery_tag", delivery_info.get("delivery_tag", "")) span.set_tag("", delivery_info.get("exchange", "")) self.handler_fn(context, message.decode(), message) except Exception as exc: logger.exception( "Unhandled error while trying to process a message. The message " "has been returned to the queue broker." ) message.requeue() if isinstance(exc, FatalMessageHandlerError):"Recieved a fatal error, terminating the server.") raise else: message.ack()
[docs]class KombuQueueConsumerFactory(QueueConsumerFactory): """Factory for running a :py:class:`~baseplate.server.queue_consumer.QueueConsumerServer` using Kombu. For simple cases where you just need a basic queue with all the default parameters for your message broker, you can use ``. If you need more control, you can create the :py:class:`~kombu.Queue` s yourself and use the constructor directly. """
[docs] def __init__( self, baseplate: Baseplate, name: str, connection: kombu.Connection, queues: Sequence[kombu.Queue], handler_fn: Handler, health_check_fn: Optional[HealthcheckCallback] = None, serializer: Optional[KombuSerializer] = None, ): """`KombuQueueConsumerFactory` constructor. :param baseplate: The Baseplate set up for your consumer. :param exchange: The `kombu.Exchange` that you will bind your :py:class:`~kombu.Queue` s to. :param queues: List of :py:class:`~kombu.Queue` s to consume from. :param queue_name: Name for your queue. :param routing_keys: List of routing keys that you will create :py:class:`~kombu.Queue` s to consume from. :param handler_fn: A `baseplate.frameworks.queue_consumer.komub.Handler` function that will process an individual message from a queue. :param health_check_fn: A `baseplate.server.queue_consumer.HealthcheckCallback` function that can be used to customize your health check. :param serializer: A `baseplate.clients.kombu.KombuSerializer` that should be used to decode the messages you are consuming. """ self.baseplate = baseplate self.connection = connection self.queues = queues = name self.handler_fn = handler_fn self.health_check_fn = health_check_fn self.serializer = serializer
[docs] @classmethod def new( cls, baseplate: Baseplate, exchange: kombu.Exchange, connection: kombu.Connection, queue_name: str, routing_keys: Sequence[str], handler_fn: Handler, health_check_fn: Optional[HealthcheckCallback] = None, serializer: Optional[KombuSerializer] = None, ) -> "KombuQueueConsumerFactory": """Return a new `KombuQueueConsumerFactory`. This method will create the :py:class:`~kombu.Queue` s for you and is appropriate to use in simple cases where you just need a basic queue with all the default parameters for your message broker. :param baseplate: The Baseplate set up for your consumer. :param exchange: The `kombu.Exchange` that you will bind your :py:class:`~kombu.Queue` s to. :param exchange: The `kombu.Connection` to your message broker. :param queue_name: Name for your queue. :param routing_keys: List of routing keys that you will create :py:class:`~kombu.Queue` s to consume from. :param handler_fn: A `baseplate.frameworks.queue_consumer.komub.Handler` function that will process an individual message from a queue. :param health_check_fn: A `baseplate.server.queue_consumer.HealthcheckCallback` function that can be used to customize your health check. :param serializer: A `baseplate.clients.kombu.KombuSerializer` that should be used to decode the messages you are consuming. """ queues = [] for routing_key in routing_keys: queues.append(kombu.Queue(name=queue_name, exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key)) return cls( baseplate=baseplate, name=queue_name, connection=connection, queues=queues, handler_fn=handler_fn, health_check_fn=health_check_fn, serializer=serializer, )
def build_pump_worker(self, work_queue: WorkQueue) -> KombuConsumerWorker: return KombuConsumerWorker( connection=self.connection, queues=self.queues, work_queue=work_queue, serializer=self.serializer, ) def build_message_handler(self) -> KombuMessageHandler: return KombuMessageHandler(self.baseplate,, self.handler_fn) def build_health_checker(self, listener: socket.socket) -> StreamServer: return make_simple_healthchecker(listener, callback=self.health_check_fn)