Source code for baseplate.lib.config

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Configuration parsing and validation.

This module provides ``parse_config`` which turns a dictionary of stringy keys
and values into a structured and typed configuration object.

For example, an INI file like the following:

.. highlight:: ini

.. include:: ../../../config_example.ini

Might be parsed like the following. Note: when running under the baseplate
server, The ``config_parser.items(...)`` step is taken care of for you and
``raw_config`` is passed as the only argument to your factory function.

.. highlight:: py

.. testsetup:: overview

    import os
    import configparser
    from baseplate import config
    from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
    config_parser = configparser.RawConfigParser()

    tempfile = NamedTemporaryFile()
    config_parser.set("app:main", "some_file",

    env_var_name = "BASEPLATE_DEFAULT_VALUE"
    os.environ[env_var_name] = "default"

.. doctest:: overview

    >>> raw_config = dict(config_parser.items("app:main"))

    >>> CARDS = config.OneOf(clubs=1, spades=2, diamonds=3, hearts=4)
    >>> cfg = config.parse_config(raw_config, {
    ...     "simple": config.Boolean,
    ...     "cards": config.TupleOf(CARDS),
    ...     "nested": {
    ...         "once": config.Integer,
    ...         "really": {
    ...             "deep": config.Timespan,
    ...         },
    ...     },
    ...     "some_file": config.File(mode="r"),
    ...     "optional": config.Optional(config.Integer, default=9001),
    ...     "sample_rate": config.Percent,
    ...     "interval": config.Fallback(config.Timespan, config.Integer),
    ...     "default_from_env": config.DefaultFromEnv(config.String, env_var_name),
    ... })

    >>> print(cfg.simple)

    >>> print(
    [1, 2, 3]

    >>> print(cfg.nested.really.deep)


    >>> cfg.some_file.close()

    >>> cfg.sample_rate

    >>> print(cfg.interval)

    >>> print(cfg.default_from_env)

.. testcleanup:: overview


import base64
import datetime
import functools
import grp
import os
import pwd
import re
import socket

from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Generic
from typing import IO
from typing import NamedTuple
from typing import NewType
from typing import Optional as OptionalType
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Set
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union

[docs]class ConfigurationError(Exception): """Raised when the configuration violates the spec.""" def __init__(self, key: str, error: Union[str, Exception]): super().__init__(f"{key}: {error}") self.key = key self.error = error
[docs]def String(text: str) -> str: # noqa: D401 """A raw string.""" if not text: raise ValueError("no value specified") return text
[docs]def Float(text: str) -> float: # noqa: D401 """A floating-point number.""" return float(text)
[docs]def Integer( text: OptionalType[str] = None, base: int = 10 ) -> Union[int, Callable[[str], int]]: # noqa: D401 """An integer. To prevent mistakes, this will raise an error if the user attempts to configure a non-whole number. :param base: (Optional) If specified, the base of the integer to parse. """ if text is not None: # this allows the original config.Integer format return int(text, base=base) # and this allows the base to be specified as config.Integer(base=N) return functools.partial(int, base=base)
[docs]def Boolean(text: str) -> bool: # noqa: D401 """True or False, case insensitive.""" parser = OneOf(true=True, false=False) return parser(text.lower())
class InternetAddress(NamedTuple): host: str port: int def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{}:{self.port}"
[docs]class EndpointConfiguration(NamedTuple): """A description of a remote endpoint. This is a 2-tuple of (``family`` and ``address``). ``family`` One of :py:data:`socket.AF_INET` or :py:data:`socket.AF_UNIX`. ``address`` An address appropriate for the ``family``. .. seealso:: :py:func:`baseplate.lib.config.Endpoint` """ family: socket.AddressFamily # pylint: disable=no-member address: Union[InternetAddress, str] def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.address)
[docs]def Endpoint(text: str) -> EndpointConfiguration: # noqa: D401 """A remote endpoint to connect to. Returns an :py:class:`EndpointConfiguration`. If the endpoint is a hostname:port pair, the ``family`` will be :py:data:`socket.AF_INET` and ``address`` will be a two-tuple of host and port, as expected by :py:mod:`socket`. If the endpoint contains a slash (``/``), it will be interpreted as a path to a UNIX domain socket. The ``family`` will be :py:data:`socket.AF_UNIX` and ``address`` will be the path as a string. """ if not text: raise ValueError("no endpoint specified") if "/" in text: return EndpointConfiguration(socket.AF_UNIX, text) host, sep, port = text.partition(":") if sep != ":": raise ValueError("no port specified") address = InternetAddress(host, int(port)) return EndpointConfiguration(socket.AF_INET, address)
[docs]def Base64(text: str) -> bytes: # noqa: D401 """A base64 encoded block of data. This is useful for arbitrary binary blobs. """ if not text: raise ValueError("expected base64 encoded data") try: return base64.b64decode(text) except TypeError as exc: raise ValueError(*exc.args)
[docs]def File(mode: str = "r") -> Callable[[str], IO]: # noqa: D401 """A path to a file. This takes a path to a file and returns an open file object, like returned by :py:func:`open`. :param mode: an optional string that specifies the mode in which the file is opened. """ def open_file(text: str) -> IO: try: return open(text, mode=mode) except OSError: raise ValueError(f"could not open file: {text}") return open_file
[docs]def Timespan(text: str) -> datetime.timedelta: # noqa: D401 """A span of time. This takes a string of the form "1 second" or "3 days" and returns a :py:class:`datetime.timedelta` representing that span of time. Units supported are: milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days. """ scale_by_unit = { "millisecond": 0.001, "second": 1, "minute": 60, "hour": 60 * 60, "day": 24 * 60 * 60, } parts = text.split() if len(parts) != 2: raise ValueError("invalid specification") count_text, unit = parts count = int(count_text) unit = unit.rstrip("s") # depluralize try: scale = scale_by_unit[unit] except KeyError: raise ValueError("unknown unit") return datetime.timedelta(seconds=count * scale)
def TimespanWithLegacyFallback(text: str) -> datetime.timedelta: # noqa: D401 """A span of time, allowing for older style "float number of seconds" as fallback.""" try: return Timespan(text) except ValueError: return datetime.timedelta(seconds=Float(text)) InfiniteTimespanType = NewType("InfiniteTimespanType", object) InfiniteTimespan = InfiniteTimespanType(object()) def TimespanOrInfinite(text: str) -> Union[datetime.timedelta, InfiniteTimespanType]: # noqa: D401 """A span of time or the string 'infinite' indicating forever.""" if text == "infinite": return InfiniteTimespan return Timespan(text)
[docs]def Percent(text: str) -> float: # noqa: D401 """A percentage. This takes a string of the form "37.2%" or "44%" and returns a float in the range [0.0, 1.0]. """ if not text.endswith("%"): raise ValueError("the value is not a percentage") percentage = float(text[:-1]) / 100.0 if not 0 <= percentage <= 1: raise ValueError("percentage is out of valid range") return percentage
[docs]def UnixUser(text: str) -> int: # noqa: D401 """A Unix user name or decimal ID. The parsed value will be the integer user ID. """ try: return pwd.getpwnam(text).pw_uid except KeyError as exc: try: return int(text) except ValueError: raise ValueError(exc) from None
[docs]def UnixGroup(text: str) -> int: # noqa: D401 """A Unix group name or decimal ID. The parsed value will be the integer group ID. """ try: return grp.getgrnam(text).gr_gid except KeyError as exc: try: return int(text) except ValueError: raise ValueError(exc) from None
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs]def OneOf(**options: T) -> Callable[[str], T]: # noqa: D401 """One of several choices. For each ``option``, the name is what should be in the configuration file and the value is what it is mapped to. For example:: OneOf(hearts="H", spades="S") would parse:: "hearts" into:: "H" """ def one_of(text: str) -> T: try: return options[text] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"expected one of {options.keys()!r}") return one_of
[docs]def TupleOf(item_parser: Callable[[str], T]) -> Callable[[str], Sequence[T]]: # noqa: D401 """A comma-delimited list of type T. At least one value must be provided. If you want an empty list to be a valid choice, wrap with :py:func:`Optional`. """ def tuple_of(text: str) -> Sequence[T]: if not text: raise ValueError("no values provided") split = text.split(",") stripped = [item.strip() for item in split] return [item_parser(item) for item in stripped if item] return tuple_of
def DefaultFromEnv( item_parser: Callable[[str], T], default_src: str, fallback: OptionalType[T] = None ) -> Callable[[str], OptionalType[T]]: # noqa: D401 """An option of type T or a default. The default is sourced from an environment variable with the name specified in ``default_src``. If the environment variable is not set, then the fallback will be used. One of the following values must be provided: fallback, default_src, or the provided configuration """ env = os.getenv(default_src) or "" default = Optional(item_parser, fallback)(env) def default_from_env(text: str) -> OptionalType[T]: val = Optional(item_parser, default)(text) if val: return val raise ValueError("no value provided") return default_from_env
[docs]def Optional( item_parser: Callable[[str], T], default: OptionalType[T] = None ) -> Callable[[str], OptionalType[T]]: # noqa: D401 """An option of type T, or ``default`` if not configured.""" def optional(text: str) -> OptionalType[T]: if text: return item_parser(text) return default return optional
[docs]def Fallback( primary_parser: Callable[[str], T], fallback_parser: Callable[[str], T] ) -> Callable[[str], T]: # noqa: D401 """An option of type T1, or if that fails to parse, of type T2. This is useful for backwards-compatible configuration changes. """ def fallback(text: str) -> T: try: return primary_parser(text) except ValueError: return fallback_parser(text) return fallback
class ConfigNamespace(dict): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.__dict__ = self def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: ... ConfigSpecItem = Union["Parser", Dict[str, Any], Callable[[str], T]] ConfigSpec = Dict[str, ConfigSpecItem] RawConfig = Dict[str, str]
[docs]class Parser(Generic[T]): """Base class for configuration parsers.""" @staticmethod def from_spec(spec: ConfigSpecItem) -> "Parser": """Return a parser for the given spec object.""" if isinstance(spec, Parser): return spec if isinstance(spec, dict): return SpecParser(spec) if callable(spec): return CallableParser(spec) raise AssertionError(f"invalid specification: {spec!r}") def parse(self, key_path: str, raw_config: RawConfig) -> T: """Parse and return the relevant info for a given key. :param key_path: The key this parser is looking for. :param raw_config: The full raw configuration dictionary. """ raise NotImplementedError
class SpecParser(Parser[ConfigNamespace]): """A parser that validates a static specification.""" def __init__(self, spec: ConfigSpec): self.spec = spec def parse(self, key_path: str, raw_config: RawConfig) -> ConfigNamespace: parsed = ConfigNamespace() for key, spec in self.spec.items(): assert "." not in key, "dots are not allowed in keys" if key_path: sub_key_path = f"{key_path}.{key}" else: sub_key_path = key parser = Parser.from_spec(spec) parsed[key] = parser.parse(sub_key_path, raw_config) return parsed class CallableParser(Parser[T]): """A parser that wraps a simple callable.""" def __init__(self, callable_: Callable[[str], T]): self.callable = callable_ def parse(self, key_path: str, raw_config: RawConfig) -> T: raw_value = raw_config.get(key_path, "") try: return self.callable(raw_value) except Exception as exc: raise ConfigurationError(key_path, exc)
[docs]class DictOf(Parser[ConfigNamespace]): """A group of options of a given type. This is useful for providing data to the application without the application having to know ahead of time all of the possible keys. .. highlight:: ini .. include:: ../../../config_dictof_example.ini :literal: .. highlight:: py .. testsetup:: dictof_simple import configparser from baseplate import config config_parser = configparser.RawConfigParser() config_parser.readfp(open("docs/config_dictof_example.ini")) raw_config = dict(config_parser.items("app:main")) .. doctest:: dictof_simple >>> cfg = config.parse_config(raw_config, { ... "population": config.DictOf(config.Integer), ... }) >>> len(cfg.population) 5 >>> cfg.population["br"] 207645000 It can also be combined with other configuration specs or parsers to parse more complicated structures: .. highlight:: ini .. include:: ../../../config_dictof_spec_example.ini :literal: .. highlight:: py .. testsetup:: dictof_spec import configparser from baseplate import config config_parser = configparser.RawConfigParser() config_parser.readfp(open("docs/config_dictof_spec_example.ini")) raw_config = dict(config_parser.items("app:main")) .. doctest:: dictof_spec >>> cfg = config.parse_config(raw_config, { ... "countries": config.DictOf({ ... "population": config.Integer, ... "capital": config.String, ... }), ... }) >>> len(cfg.countries) 5 >>> cfg.countries["cn"].capital 'Beijing' >>> cfg.countries["id"].population 263447000 """ def __init__(self, spec: ConfigSpecItem): self.subparser = Parser.from_spec(spec) def parse(self, key_path: str, raw_config: RawConfig) -> ConfigNamespace: # match keys that start out with the prefix we expect (key_path) and # extract the subkey from the.key.prefix.{subkey} if key_path: root = key_path + "." else: root = "" matcher = re.compile("^" + root.replace(".", r"\.") + r"([^.]+)") values = ConfigNamespace() seen_subkeys: Set[str] = set() for key in raw_config: m = if not m: continue subkey = if subkey in seen_subkeys: continue full_path = root + subkey values[subkey] = self.subparser.parse(full_path, raw_config) seen_subkeys.add(subkey) return values
[docs]def parse_config(config: RawConfig, spec: ConfigSpec) -> ConfigNamespace: """Parse options against a spec and return a structured representation. :param config: The raw stringy configuration dictionary. :param spec: A specification of what the configuration should look like. :raises: :py:exc:`ConfigurationError` The configuration violated the spec. :return: A structured configuration object. """ parser = Parser.from_spec(spec) return parser.parse("", config)