Source code for baseplate.lib.secrets

"""Application integration with the secret fetcher daemon."""
import base64
import binascii
import json
import logging

from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterator
from typing import NamedTuple
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple

from baseplate import Span
from baseplate.clients import ContextFactory
from baseplate.lib import cached_property
from baseplate.lib import config
from baseplate.lib.file_watcher import FileWatcher
from baseplate.lib.file_watcher import WatchedFileNotAvailableError

ISO_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SecretNotFoundError(Exception): """Raised when the requested secret is not in the local vault.""" def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(f"secret not found: {repr(name)}") = name
[docs]class CorruptSecretError(Exception): """Raised when the requested secret does not match the expected format.""" def __init__(self, path: str, message: str): super().__init__(f"{path}: {message}") self.path = path self.message = message
[docs]class SecretsNotAvailableError(Exception): """Raised when the secrets store was not accessible.""" def __init__(self, inner: Exception): super().__init__(f"could not load secrets: {inner}") self.inner = inner
[docs]class VersionedSecret(NamedTuple): """A versioned secret. Versioned secrets allow for seamless rotation of keys. When using the secret to generate tokens (e.g. signing a message) always use the ``current`` value. When validating tokens, check against all the versions in ``all_versions``. This will allow keys to rotate smoothly even if not done instantly across all users of the secret. """ previous: Optional[bytes] current: bytes next: Optional[bytes] @property def all_versions(self) -> Iterator[bytes]: """Return an iterator over the available versions of this secret.""" yield self.current if self.previous is not None: yield self.previous if is not None: yield
[docs] @classmethod def from_simple_secret(cls, value: bytes) -> "VersionedSecret": """Make a fake versioned secret from a single value. This is a backwards compatibility shim for use with APIs that take versioned secrets. Try to use proper versioned secrets fetched from the secrets store instead. """ return cls(previous=None, current=value, next=None)
[docs]class CredentialSecret(NamedTuple): """A secret for storing username/password pairs. Credential secrets allow us to store usernames and passwords together in a single secret. Note that they are not versioned since the general pattern for rotating credentials like this would be to generate a new username/password pair. This object has two properties: """ username: str password: str
def _decode_secret(path: str, encoding: str, value: str) -> bytes: if encoding == "identity": # encode to bytes for consistency with the base64 path. utf-8 because # that undoes json encoding. return value.encode("utf-8") if encoding == "base64": try: return base64.b64decode(value) except (TypeError, binascii.Error) as exc: raise CorruptSecretError(path, f"unable to decode base64: {exc}") raise CorruptSecretError(path, f"unknown encoding: {encoding!r}")
[docs]class SecretsStore(ContextFactory): """Access to secret tokens with automatic refresh when changed. This local vault allows access to the secrets cached on disk by the fetcher daemon. It will automatically reload the cache when it is changed. Do not cache or store the values returned by this class's methods but rather get them from this class each time you need them. The secrets are served from memory so there's little performance impact to doing so and you will be sure to always have the current version in the face of key rotation etc. """ def __init__(self, path: str, timeout: Optional[int] = None, backoff: Optional[float] = None): self._filewatcher = FileWatcher(path, json.load, timeout=timeout, backoff=backoff) def _get_data(self) -> Tuple[Any, float]: try: return self._filewatcher.get_data_and_mtime() except WatchedFileNotAvailableError as exc: raise SecretsNotAvailableError(exc)
[docs] def get_raw(self, path: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """Return a dictionary of key/value pairs for the given secret path. This is the raw representation of the secret in the underlying store. """ return self.get_raw_and_mtime(path)[0]
[docs] def get_credentials(self, path: str) -> CredentialSecret: """Decode and return a credential secret. Credential secrets are a convention of username/password pairs stored as separate values in the raw secret payload. The following keys are significant: ``type`` This must always be ``credential`` for this method. ``encoding`` This must be unset or set to ``identity``. ``username`` This contains the raw username. ``password`` This contains the raw password. """ return self.get_credentials_and_mtime(path)[0]
[docs] def get_simple(self, path: str) -> bytes: """Decode and return a simple secret. Simple secrets are a convention of key/value pairs in the raw secret payload. The following keys are significant: ``type`` This must always be ``simple`` for this method. ``value`` This contains the raw value of the secret token. ``encoding`` (Optional) If present, how to decode the value from how it's encoded at rest (only ``base64`` currently supported). """ return self.get_simple_and_mtime(path)[0]
[docs] def get_versioned(self, path: str) -> VersionedSecret: """Decode and return a versioned secret. Versioned secrets are a convention of key/value pairs in the raw secret payload. The following keys are significant: ``type`` This must always be ``versioned`` for this method. ``current``, ``next``, and ``previous`` The raw secret value's versions. ``current`` is the "active" version, which is used for new creation/signing operations. ``previous`` and ``next`` are only used for validation (e.g. checking signatures) to ensure continuity when keys rotate. Both ``previous`` and ``next`` are optional. ``encoding`` (Optional) If present, how to decode the values from how they are encoded at rest (only ``base64`` currently supported). """ return self.get_versioned_and_mtime(path)[0]
[docs] def get_vault_url(self) -> str: """Return the URL for accessing Vault directly. .. seealso:: The :py:mod:`baseplate.clients.hvac` module provides integration with HVAC, a Vault client. """ data, _ = self._get_data() return data["vault"]["url"]
[docs] def get_vault_token(self) -> str: """Return a Vault authentication token. The token will have policies attached based on the current EC2 server's Vault role. This is only necessary if talking directly to Vault. .. seealso:: The :py:mod:`baseplate.clients.hvac` module provides integration with HVAC, a Vault client. """ data, _ = self._get_data() return data["vault"]["token"]
[docs] def get_raw_and_mtime(self, path: str) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str], float]: """Return raw secret and modification time. This returns the same data as :py:meth:`get_raw` as well as a UNIX epoch timestamp indicating the last time the secrets data was updated. This modification time can be used to know when to invalidate downstream caching. .. versionadded:: 1.5 """ data, mtime = self._get_data() try: return data["secrets"][path], mtime except KeyError: raise SecretNotFoundError(path)
[docs] def get_credentials_and_mtime(self, path: str) -> Tuple[CredentialSecret, float]: """Return credentials secret and modification time. This returns the same data as :py:meth:`get_credentials` as well as a UNIX epoch timestamp indicating the last time the secrets data was updated. This modification time can be used to know when to invalidate downstream caching. .. versionadded:: 1.5 """ secret_attributes, mtime = self.get_raw_and_mtime(path) if secret_attributes.get("type") != "credential": raise CorruptSecretError(path, "secret does not have type=credential") encoding = secret_attributes.get("encoding", "identity") if encoding != "identity": raise CorruptSecretError( path, f"secret has encoding={encoding} rather than encoding=identity" ) values = {} for key in ("username", "password"): try: val = secret_attributes[key] if not isinstance(val, str): raise CorruptSecretError(path, f"secret value '{key}' is not a string") values[key] = val except KeyError: raise CorruptSecretError(path, f"secret does not have key '{key}'") return CredentialSecret(**values), mtime
[docs] def get_simple_and_mtime(self, path: str) -> Tuple[bytes, float]: """Return simple secret and modification time. This returns the same data as :py:meth:`get_simple` as well as a UNIX epoch timestamp indicating the last time the secrets data was updated. This modification time can be used to know when to invalidate downstream caching. .. versionadded:: 1.5 """ secret_attributes, mtime = self.get_raw_and_mtime(path) if secret_attributes.get("type") != "simple": raise CorruptSecretError(path, "secret does not have type=simple") try: value = secret_attributes["value"] except KeyError: raise CorruptSecretError(path, "secret does not have value") encoding = secret_attributes.get("encoding", "identity") return _decode_secret(path, encoding, value), mtime
[docs] def get_versioned_and_mtime(self, path: str) -> Tuple[VersionedSecret, float]: """Return versioned secret and modification time. This returns the same data as :py:meth:`get_versioned` as well as a UNIX epoch timestamp indicating the last time the secrets data was updated. This modification time can be used to know when to invalidate downstream caching. .. versionadded:: 1.5 """ secret_attributes, mtime = self.get_raw_and_mtime(path) if secret_attributes.get("type") != "versioned": raise CorruptSecretError(path, "secret does not have type=versioned") previous_value = secret_attributes.get("previous") next_value = secret_attributes.get("next") try: current_value = secret_attributes["current"] except KeyError: raise CorruptSecretError(path, "secret does not have 'current' value") encoding = secret_attributes.get("encoding", "identity") return ( VersionedSecret( previous=_decode_secret(path, encoding, previous_value) if previous_value else None, current=_decode_secret(path, encoding, current_value), next=_decode_secret(path, encoding, next_value) if next_value else None, ), mtime, )
[docs] def make_object_for_context(self, name: str, span: Span) -> "SecretsStore": """Return an object that can be added to the context object. This allows the secret store to be used with :py:meth:`~baseplate.Baseplate.add_to_context`:: secrets = SecretsStore("/var/local/secrets.json") baseplate.add_to_context("secrets", secrets) """ return _CachingSecretsStore(self._filewatcher)
class _CachingSecretsStore(SecretsStore): """Lazily load and cache the parsed data until the server span ends.""" def __init__(self, filewatcher: FileWatcher): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called self._filewatcher = filewatcher @cached_property def _data(self) -> Tuple[Any, float]: return super()._get_data() def _get_data(self) -> Tuple[Dict, float]: return self._data
[docs]def secrets_store_from_config( app_config: config.RawConfig, timeout: Optional[int] = None, prefix: str = "secrets." ) -> SecretsStore: """Configure and return a secrets store. The keys useful to :py:func:`secrets_store_from_config` should be prefixed, e.g. ``secrets.url``, etc. Supported keys: ``path``: the path to the secrets file generated by the secrets fetcher daemon. :param app_config: The application configuration which should have settings for the secrets store. :param timeout: How long, in seconds, to block instantiation waiting for the secrets data to become available (defaults to not blocking). :param prefix: Specifies the prefix used to filter keys. Defaults to "secrets." :param backoff: retry backoff time for secrets file watcher. Defaults to None, which is mapped to DEFAULT_FILEWATCHER_BACKOFF. """ assert prefix.endswith(".") config_prefix = prefix[:-1] cfg = config.parse_config( app_config, { config_prefix: { "path": config.Optional(config.String, default="/var/local/secrets.json"), "backoff": config.Optional(config.Timespan), } }, ) options = getattr(cfg, config_prefix) if options.backoff: backoff = options.backoff.total_seconds() else: backoff = None # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member return SecretsStore(options.path, timeout=timeout, backoff=backoff)