Frequently Asked Questions ========================== .. contents:: :backlinks: none Can I serve multiple protocols (Thrift, HTTP, etc.) in one service? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes! While ``baseplate-serve`` doesn't support serving multiple protocols from the same *process* it's totally fine to run multiple instances of ``baseplate-serve`` out of one code base. This allows you to present different interfaces to different clients and scale each interface independently. For example, our example HTTP service from :doc:`the tutorial <../tutorial/index>` has an entrypoint function (``make_wsgi_app()``) that sets up the application: .. literalinclude:: ../tutorial/chapter4/ :language: python :start-at: make_wsgi_app using configuration for that application: .. literalinclude:: ../tutorial/chapter4/helloworld.ini :language: ini :start-at: app:main :end-before: server:main and configuration that tells ``baseplate-serve`` how to serve the application: .. literalinclude:: ../tutorial/chapter4/helloworld.ini :language: ini :start-at: server:main Note the ``factory`` setting in each section refers to a module and name in that module. We can use these to point ``baseplate-serve`` at different pieces of code. To serve an additional protocol, we need another entrypoint function that returns a different kind of application. Let's add a basic Thrift service as well:: def make_processor(app_config): baseplate = Baseplate(app_config) baseplate.configure_observers() baseplate.configure_context({"db": SQLAlchemySession()}) handler = MyHandler() processor = MyService.Processor(handler) return baseplateify_processor(processor, logger, baseplate) and add application configuration: .. code-block:: ini [app:thrift] factory = helloworld:make_processor metrics.namespace = helloworld db.url = sqlite:/// and finally define server configuration: .. code-block:: ini [server:thrift] factory = baseplate.server.thrift We could now run our HTTP server with ``baseplate-serve myconfig.ini`` or our Thrift server with ``baseplate-serve --server-name=thrift --app-name=thrift myconfig.ini``. The ``--server-name`` and ``--app-name`` parameters tell ``baseplate-serve`` which sections of the config file to use. There's something bad going on here though. Both server types are doing the exact same stuff with :py:class:`~baseplate.Baseplate` setup and the configuration for them is duplicated. A common pattern to clean this up is to factor out a ``make_baseplate`` function and use it in both our entrypoints:: def make_baseplate(app_config): baseplate = Baseplate(app_config) baseplate.configure_observers() baseplate.configure_context({"db": SQLAlchemySession()}) def make_wsgi_app(app_config): baseplate = make_baseplate(app_config) ... def make_processor(app_config): baseplate = make_baseplate(app_config) ... Similarly, you can factor out common configuration items into a ``[DEFAULT]`` section in the config file which will be automatically inherited by all other sections: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] metrics.namespace = helloworld db.url = sqlite:/// [app:main] factory = helloworld:make_wsgi_app [app:thrift] factory = baseplate.server.thrift ... For more information on what's going on under the hood here, check out the :doc:`startup`. What do I do about "Metrics batch of N bytes is too large to send"? ------------------------------------------------------------------- As your application processes a request, it does various actions that get counted and timed. batches up these metrics and sends them to the metrics aggregator at the end of each request. The metrics are sent as a single UDP datagram that has a finite maximum size (the exact amount depending on the server) that is sufficiently large for normal purposes. Seeing this error generally means that the application generated a *lot* of metrics during the processing of that request. Since requests are meant to be short lived, this indicates that the application is doing something pathological in that request; a common example is making queries to a database in a loop. The best course of action is to dig into the application and reduce the amount of work done in a given request by e.g. batching up those queries-in-a-loop into fewer round trips to the database. This has the nice side-effect of speeding up your application too! To get you started, the "batch is too large" error message also contains a list of the top counters in the oversized batch. For example, if you see something like ``myservice.clients.foo_service.do_bar=9001`` that means you called the ``do_bar()`` method on ``foo_service`` over 9,000 times! .. note:: For cron jobs or other non-server usages of, you may need to break up your work into smaller units. For example, if your cron job processes a CSV file of 10,000 records you could create a server span for each record rather than one for the whole job. Because this does not usually come up outside of legitimate performance issues in the application, there are currently no plans to automatically flush very large batches of metrics (which would silently mask performance issues like this). What do I do about "Context objects cannot be re-used"? ------------------------------------------------------- This means that the application used the same context object, like one created with :py:meth:`~baseplate.Baseplate.make_context_object`, in multiple calls to :py:meth:`~baseplate.Baseplate.make_server_span`. Context objects are tied to a single server span and cannot be re-used between different spans. Make sure to create a new context object for each span. The :py:meth:`~baseplate.Baseplate.server_context` helper can simplify this lifecycle. What do I do about "Cannot make child span of parent that already finished"? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This means that :py:meth:`~baseplate.Span.make_child` was called on a span that has already finished. This usually happens when an application holds onto a reference to a span and tries to continue doing operations with it after the parent request finished. This can happen because of the application spawned a number of greenlets to do tasks concurrently but let the root greenlet finish up before the children did. The safest thing to do here is to ensure that the parent properly waits for its children before exiting. Sometimes this is done deliberately to give a quick response to the client. It's generally best to put background work like this into a separate dedicated work queue as service worker processes are ephemeral and can be killed at any time without warning.