Source code for baseplate.clients.thrift

import contextlib
import inspect
import sys

from math import ceil
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Iterator
from typing import Optional

from thrift.protocol.TProtocol import TProtocolException
from thrift.Thrift import TApplicationException
from thrift.Thrift import TException
from thrift.transport.TTransport import TTransportException

from baseplate import Span
from baseplate.clients import ContextFactory
from baseplate.lib import config
from baseplate.lib import metrics
from baseplate.lib.retry import RetryPolicy
from baseplate.lib.thrift_pool import thrift_pool_from_config
from baseplate.lib.thrift_pool import ThriftConnectionPool

[docs]class ThriftClient(config.Parser): """Configure a Thrift client. This is meant to be used with :py:meth:`baseplate.Baseplate.configure_context`. See :py:func:`baseplate.lib.thrift_pool.thrift_pool_from_config` for available configuration settings. :param client_cls: The class object of a Thrift-generated client class, e.g. ``YourService.Client``. """ def __init__(self, client_cls: Any, **kwargs: Any): self.client_cls = client_cls self.kwargs = kwargs def parse(self, key_path: str, raw_config: config.RawConfig) -> ContextFactory: pool = thrift_pool_from_config(raw_config, prefix=f"{key_path}.", **self.kwargs) return ThriftContextFactory(pool, self.client_cls)
[docs]class ThriftContextFactory(ContextFactory): """Thrift client pool context factory. This factory will attach a proxy object with the same interface as your thrift client to an attribute on the :py:class:`~baseplate.RequestContext`. When a thrift method is called on this proxy object, it will check out a connection from the connection pool and execute the RPC, automatically recording diagnostic information. :param pool: The connection pool. :param client_cls: The class object of a Thrift-generated client class, e.g. ``YourService.Client``. The proxy object has a ``retrying`` method which takes the same parameters as :py:meth:` <>` and acts as a context manager. The context manager returns another proxy object where Thrift service method calls will be automatically retried with the specified retry policy when transient errors occur:: with context.my_service.retrying(attempts=3) as svc: svc.some_method() """ def __init__(self, pool: ThriftConnectionPool, client_cls: Any): self.pool = pool self.client_cls = client_cls self.proxy_cls = type( "PooledClientProxy", (_PooledClientProxy,), { fn_name: _build_thrift_proxy_method(fn_name) for fn_name in _enumerate_service_methods(client_cls) if not (fn_name.startswith("__") and fn_name.endswith("__")) }, ) def report_runtime_metrics(self, batch: metrics.Client) -> None: batch.gauge("pool.size").replace(self.pool.size) batch.gauge("pool.in_use").replace(self.pool.checkedout) # it's hard to report "open_and_available" currently because we can't # distinguish easily between available connection slots that aren't # instantiated and ones that have actual open connections. def make_object_for_context(self, name: str, span: Span) -> "_PooledClientProxy": return self.proxy_cls(self.client_cls, self.pool, span, name)
def _enumerate_service_methods(client: Any) -> Iterator[str]: """Return an iterable of service methods from a generated Iface class.""" ifaces_found = 0 # python3 drops the concept of unbound methods, so they're just plain # functions and we have to account for that here. see: # # noqa: E501 def predicate(x: Any) -> bool: return inspect.isfunction(x) or inspect.ismethod(x) for base_cls in inspect.getmro(client): if base_cls.__name__ == "Iface": for name, _ in inspect.getmembers(base_cls, predicate): yield name ifaces_found += 1 assert ifaces_found > 0, "class is not a thrift client; it has no Iface" class _PooledClientProxy: """A proxy which acts like a thrift client but uses a connection pool.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__( self, client_cls: Any, pool: ThriftConnectionPool, server_span: Span, namespace: str, retry_policy: Optional[RetryPolicy] = None, ): self.client_cls = client_cls self.pool = pool self.server_span = server_span self.namespace = namespace self.retry_policy = retry_policy or @contextlib.contextmanager def retrying(self, **policy: Any) -> Iterator["_PooledClientProxy"]: yield self.__class__( self.client_cls, self.pool, self.server_span, self.namespace,**policy), ) def _build_thrift_proxy_method(name: str) -> Callable[..., Any]: def _call_thrift_method(self: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: trace_name = f"{self.namespace}.{name}" last_error = None for time_remaining in self.retry_policy: span = self.server_span.make_child(trace_name) span.start() try: with self.pool.connection() as prot: baseplate = span.baseplate if baseplate: service_name = baseplate.service_name if service_name: prot.trans.set_header(b"User-Agent", service_name.encode()) prot.trans.set_header(b"Trace", str(span.trace_id).encode()) prot.trans.set_header(b"Parent", str(span.parent_id).encode()) prot.trans.set_header(b"Span", str( if span.sampled is not None: sampled = "1" if span.sampled else "0" prot.trans.set_header(b"Sampled", sampled.encode()) if span.flags: prot.trans.set_header(b"Flags", str(span.flags).encode()) min_timeout = time_remaining if self.pool.timeout: if not min_timeout or self.pool.timeout < min_timeout: min_timeout = self.pool.timeout if min_timeout and min_timeout > 0: # min_timeout is in float seconds, we are converting to int milliseconds # rounding up here. prot.trans.set_header( b"Deadline-Budget", str(int(ceil(min_timeout * 1000))).encode() ) try: edge_context = span.context.raw_edge_context except AttributeError: edge_context = None if edge_context: prot.trans.set_header(b"Edge-Request", edge_context) client = self.client_cls(prot) method = getattr(client, name) result = method(*args, **kwargs) except TTransportException as exc: # the connection failed for some reason, retry if able span.finish(exc_info=sys.exc_info()) last_error = exc continue except (TApplicationException, TProtocolException): # these are subclasses of TException but aren't ones that # should be expected in the protocol. this is an error! span.finish(exc_info=sys.exc_info()) raise except TException: # this is an expected exception, as defined in the IDL span.finish() raise except: # noqa: E722 # something unexpected happened span.finish(exc_info=sys.exc_info()) raise else: # a normal result span.finish() return result raise TTransportException( type=TTransportException.TIMED_OUT, message=f"retry policy exhausted while attempting {self.namespace}.{name}, last error was: {last_error}", ) return _call_thrift_method