
The heart of the Baseplate framework is its telemetry system. Here’s an incomplete example of an application built with the framework:

def do_something(request):
    result = request.db.execute("SELECT date('now');")

def make_app(app_config):
    ... snip ...

    baseplate = Baseplate(app_config)
    baseplate.configure_context({"db": SQLAlchemySession()})

    ... snip ...

When a request is made that routes to the do_something handler, a ServerSpan is automatically created to track the time spent processing the request in our application. If the incoming request has trace headers, the constructed server span will have the same IDs as the upstream service’s child span or else it will start a new trace with randomized values.

When we call request.db.execute(...) in the handler, Baseplate creates a child Span object to represent the time taken running the query.

The creation of the server and child spans trigger callbacks on all the ServerSpanObserver and SpanObserver objects registered. Because we called configure_observers() in our setup, this means we have observers that send telemetry about how our service is functioning.

Framework Configuration

At the root of each application is a single instance of Baseplate. This object can be integrated with various other frameworks (e.g. Thrift, Pyramid, etc.) using one of the integrations.

class baseplate.Baseplate(app_config=None)[source]

The core of the Baseplate framework.

This class coordinates monitoring and tracing of service calls made to and from this service. See baseplate.frameworks for how to integrate it with the application framework you are using.


Initialize the core observability framework.


app_config (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – The raw configuration dictionary for your application as supplied by baseplate-serve or baseplate-script. In addition to allowing framework-level configuration (described next), if this is supplied you do not need to pass the configuration again when calling configure_observers() or configure_context().

Baseplate services can identify themselves to downstream services in requests. The name a service identifies as defaults to the Python module the Baseplate object is instantiated in. To override the default, make sure you are passing in an app_config and configure the name in your INI file:

baseplate.service_name = foo_service


Configure diagnostics observers based on application configuration.

This installs all the currently supported observers that have settings in the configuration file.

See baseplate.observers for the configuration settings available for each observer.

Return type



Add a number of objects to each request’s context object.

Configure and attach multiple clients to the RequestContext in one place. This takes a full configuration spec like baseplate.lib.config.parse_config() and will attach the specified structure onto the context object each request.

For example, a configuration like:

baseplate = Baseplate(app_config)
    "cfg": {
        "doggo_is_good": config.Boolean,
    "cache": MemcachedClient(),
    "cassandra": {
        "foo": CassandraClient("foo_keyspace"),
        "bar": CassandraClient("bar_keyspace"),

would build a context object that could be used like:

assert context.cfg.doggo_is_good == True
  • app_config – The raw stringy configuration dictionary.

  • context_spec (Dict[str, Any]) – A specification of what the configuration should look like.

Return type


add_to_context(name, attribute_config)[source]

Add an attribute or a structure of attributes to each request’s context object.

The given attribute config object can be one of the following:

  • An arbitrary object to be added to the RequestContext.

  • A factory with a method named make_object_for_context. On each request, the factory will be asked to create an appropriate object to attach to the RequestContext.

  • A dict containing arbitrary objects, factories, or other dicts. In this case, a nested object will be added to the context. Each item of the dict will be processed using the same rules to become an attribute of the nested object.

  • name (str) – The attribute on the context object to attach the created object to. This may also be used for metric/tracing purposes so it should be descriptive.

  • attribute_config (Any) – A configuration object.

Return type


Per-request Context

Each time a new request comes in to be served, the time taken to handle the request is represented by a new ServerSpan instance. During the course of handling that request, our application might make calls to remote services or do expensive calculations, the time spent can be represented by child Span instances.

Spans have names and IDs and track their parent relationships. When calls are made to remote services, the information that identifies the local child span representing that service call is passed along to the remote service and becomes the server span in the remote service. This allows requests to be traced across the infrastructure.

Small bits of data, called annotations, can be attached to spans as well. This could be the URL fetched, or how many items were sent in a batch, or whatever else might be helpful.

class baseplate.RequestContext(context_config, prefix=None, span=None, wrapped=None)[source]

The request context object.

The context object is passed into each request handler by the framework you’re using. In some cases (e.g. Pyramid) the request object will also inherit from another base class and carry extra framework-specific information.

Clients and configuration added to the context via configure_context() or add_to_context() will be available as an attribute on this object. To take advantage of Baseplate’s automatic monitoring, any interactions with external services should be done through these clients.


Make a context object for the request.

Return type


Baseplate.make_server_span(context, name, trace_info=None)[source]

Return a server span representing the request we are handling.

In a server, a server span represents the time spent on a single incoming request. Any calls made to downstream services will be new child spans of the server span, and the server span will in turn be the child span of whatever upstream request it is part of, if any.

  • context (RequestContext) – The RequestContext for this request.

  • name (str) – A name to identify the type of this request, e.g. a route or RPC method name.

  • trace_info (Optional[TraceInfo]) – The trace context of this request as passed in from upstream. If None, a new trace context will be generated.

Return type



Create a server span and return a context manager for its lifecycle.

This is a convenience wrapper around a common pattern seen outside of servers handling requests. For example, simple cron jobs or one-off scripts might want to create a temporary span and access the context object. Instead of calling make_context_object() followed by make_server_span() manually, this method bundles it all up for you:

with baseplate.server_context("foo") as context:


This should not be used within an existing span context (such as during request processing) as it creates a new span unrelated to any other ones.

Return type


class baseplate.ServerSpan(trace_id, parent_id, span_id, sampled, flags, name, context, baseplate=None)[source]

A server span represents a request this server is handling.

The server span is available on the RequestContext during requests as the span attribute.


Record the end of the span.


exc_info (Optional[Tuple[Optional[Type[BaseException]], Optional[BaseException], Optional[traceback]]]) – If the span ended because of an exception, this is the exception information. The default is None which indicates normal exit.

Return type


incr_tag(key, delta=1)

Increment a tag value on the span.

This is useful to count instances of an event in your application. In addition to showing up as a tag on the span, the value may also be aggregated separately as an independent counter.

  • key (str) – The name of the tag.

  • value – The amount to increment the value. Defaults to 1.

Return type


log(name, payload=None)

Add a log entry to the span.

Log entries are timestamped events recording notable moments in the lifetime of a span.

  • name (str) – The name of the log entry. This should be a stable identifier that can apply to multiple span instances.

  • payload (Optional[Any]) – Optional log entry payload. This can be arbitrary data.

Return type


make_child(name, local=False, component_name=None)

Return a child Span whose parent is this Span.

The child span can either be a local span representing an in-request operation or a span representing an outbound service call.

In a server, a local span represents the time spent within a local component performing an operation or set of operations. The local component is some grouping of business logic, which is then split up into operations which could each be wrapped in local spans.

  • name (str) – Name to identify the operation this span is recording.

  • local (bool) – Make this span a LocalSpan if True, otherwise make this span a base Span.

  • component_name (Optional[str]) – Name to identify local component this span is recording in if it is a local span.

Return type



Register an observer to receive events from this span.

Return type


set_tag(key, value)

Set a tag on the span.

Tags are arbitrary key/value pairs that add context and meaning to the span, such as a hostname or query string. Observers may interpret or ignore tags as they desire.

  • key (str) – The name of the tag.

  • value (Any) – The value of the tag.

Return type



Record the start of the span.

This notifies any observers that the span has started, which indicates that timers etc. should start ticking.

Spans also support the context manager protocol, for use with Python’s with statement. When the context is entered, the span calls start() and when the context is exited it automatically calls finish().

Return type



Declare a set of tags to be added to a span before starting it in the context manager.

Can be used as follow: tags = {…} with self.span.make_child(“…”).with_tags(tags) as span:


tags (Dict[str, Any]) – Dict of tags to be set on the span at creation time.


Return type


class baseplate.Span(trace_id, parent_id, span_id, sampled, flags, name, context, baseplate=None)[source]

A span represents a single RPC within a system.


Register an observer to receive events from this span.

Return type



Record the start of the span.

This notifies any observers that the span has started, which indicates that timers etc. should start ticking.

Spans also support the context manager protocol, for use with Python’s with statement. When the context is entered, the span calls start() and when the context is exited it automatically calls finish().

Return type


set_tag(key, value)[source]

Set a tag on the span.

Tags are arbitrary key/value pairs that add context and meaning to the span, such as a hostname or query string. Observers may interpret or ignore tags as they desire.

  • key (str) – The name of the tag.

  • value (Any) – The value of the tag.

Return type


incr_tag(key, delta=1)[source]

Increment a tag value on the span.

This is useful to count instances of an event in your application. In addition to showing up as a tag on the span, the value may also be aggregated separately as an independent counter.

  • key (str) – The name of the tag.

  • value – The amount to increment the value. Defaults to 1.

Return type


log(name, payload=None)[source]

Add a log entry to the span.

Log entries are timestamped events recording notable moments in the lifetime of a span.

  • name (str) – The name of the log entry. This should be a stable identifier that can apply to multiple span instances.

  • payload (Optional[Any]) – Optional log entry payload. This can be arbitrary data.

Return type



Record the end of the span.


exc_info (Optional[Tuple[Optional[Type[BaseException]], Optional[BaseException], Optional[traceback]]]) – If the span ended because of an exception, this is the exception information. The default is None which indicates normal exit.

Return type


make_child(name, local=False, component_name=None)[source]

Return a child Span whose parent is this Span.

Return type



Declare a set of tags to be added to a span before starting it in the context manager.

Can be used as follow: tags = {…} with self.span.make_child(“…”).with_tags(tags) as span:


tags (Dict[str, Any]) – Dict of tags to be set on the span at creation time.


Return type


class baseplate.TraceInfo(trace_id: str, parent_id: Optional[str], span_id: str, sampled: Optional[bool], flags: Optional[int])[source]

Trace context for a span.

If this request was made at the behest of an upstream service, the upstream service should have passed along trace information. This class is used for collecting the trace context and passing it along to the server span.

property trace_id

The ID of the whole trace. This will be the same for all downstream requests.

property parent_id

The ID of the parent span, or None if this is the root span.

property span_id

The ID of the current span. Should be unique within a trace.

property sampled

True if this trace was selected for sampling. Will be propagated to child spans.

property flags

A bit field of extra flags about this trace.

classmethod new()[source]

Generate IDs for a new initial server span.

This span has no parent and has a random ID. It cannot be correlated with any upstream requests.

Return type


classmethod from_upstream(trace_id, parent_id, span_id, sampled, flags)[source]

Build a TraceInfo from individual headers.

  • trace_id (Optional[str]) – The ID of the trace.

  • parent_id (Optional[str]) – The ID of the parent span.

  • span_id (Optional[str]) – The ID of this span within the tree.

  • sampled (Optional[bool]) – Boolean flag to determine request sampling.

  • flags (Optional[int]) – Bit flags for communicating feature flags downstream


ValueError if any of the values are inappropriate.

Return type



To actually do something with all these spans, Baseplate provides observer interfaces which receive notification of events happening in the application via calls to various methods.

The base type of observer is BaseplateObserver which can be registered with the root Baseplate instance using the register() method. Whenever a new server span is created in your application (i.e. a new request comes in to be served) the observer has its on_server_span_created() method called with the relevant details. This method can register ServerSpanObserver instances with the new server span to receive events as they happen.

Spans can be notified of five common events:

New child spans are created in the application automatically by various client library wrappers e.g. for a call to a remote service or database, and can also be created explicitly for local actions like expensive computations. The handler can register new SpanObserver instances with the new child span to receive events as they happen.

It’s up to the observers to attach meaning to these events. For example, the metrics observer would start a timer on_start() and record the elapsed time to StatsD on_finish().


Register an observer.


observer (BaseplateObserver) – An observer.

Return type


class baseplate.BaseplateObserver[source]

Interface for an observer that watches Baseplate.

on_server_span_created(context, server_span)[source]

Do something when a server span is created.

Baseplate calls this when a new request begins.

Return type


class baseplate.ServerSpanObserver[source]

Interface for an observer that watches the server span.


Do something when a child span is created.

SpanObserver objects call this when a new child span is created.


span (Span) – The new child span.

Return type



Do something when the observed span is finished.


exc_info (Optional[Tuple[Optional[Type[BaseException]], Optional[BaseException], Optional[traceback]]]) – If the span ended because of an exception, the exception info. Otherwise, None.

Return type


on_incr_tag(key, delta)

Do something when a tag value is incremented on the observed span.

Return type


on_log(name, payload)

Do something when a log entry is added to the span.

Return type


on_set_tag(key, value)

Do something when a tag is set on the observed span.

Return type



Do something when the observed span is started.

Return type


class baseplate.SpanObserver[source]

Interface for an observer that watches a span.


Do something when the observed span is started.

Return type


on_set_tag(key, value)[source]

Do something when a tag is set on the observed span.

Return type


on_incr_tag(key, delta)[source]

Do something when a tag value is incremented on the observed span.

Return type


on_log(name, payload)[source]

Do something when a log entry is added to the span.

Return type



Do something when the observed span is finished.


exc_info (Optional[Tuple[Optional[Type[BaseException]], Optional[BaseException], Optional[traceback]]]) – If the span ended because of an exception, the exception info. Otherwise, None.

Return type



Do something when a child span is created.

SpanObserver objects call this when a new child span is created.


span (Span) – The new child span.

Return type
